Rotary Club of Port Fairy

Rotary Club of Port Fairy,
PO Box 1, Port Fairy, Victoria 3284
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Port Fairy.
The Club meets every second Monday evening at 6:00pm (for a 6:30pm meeting start) in the Star of the West Hotel in picturesque Port Fairy, one of Australia's premier tourist destinations that boasts stunning beaches and the beautiful Moyne River.
The Club held its Charter meeting on 25th March 1961 and has since celebrated its 60th Anniversary. In the period since Charter the Club has held an average membership of 20 with a peak of 33 and a low of 9. It currently enjoys a membership of just over 20 with a good mix of male and female members ranging in age from 40 upwards.
The Club is active on many community-based projects including Meals on Wheels, association on youth programs with both local primary schools, assisting other community organisations and events and maintaining the Charles Mills Reserve, Griffith Island, the Port Fairy-Warrnambool Rail Trail Bike path and various other community projects.
New members are always welcome - contact our Membership Manager, Bill Moore, on 0419 397 647 or Club President Graeme Cox, on 0407 547 245.
Alternatively, email to: