Following from discussions held at last year's Club Assembly and a subsequent meeting with the manager of the Star of the West Hotel, Damian Gleeson, new prices for meals at dinner meetings in 2013 have been set.

As the hotel has not increased its meal prices in 5 years the following new prices and conditions have been agreed and will apply from the first meeting for 2013 to be held on 4th February.

  1. Main Course:  The cost of a main course will be $15.  Members and guests will be offered a choice of two main course meals.  
    NB. The previous option of ordering a "plate" only (to allow for vegetables or salad only) will no longer be available.  Members will have to order a main course or opt not to have a meal.

  2. Dessert:  The ordering of a dessert will now be optional.  The Hotel will offer one dessert option each meeting. If a member wants to have a dessert this will need to be ordered along with the main course.  The cost of a dessert will be $5.

  3. Club levy: The usual Club levy of $5 will still apply and is additional to meal prices.  Of this, $4 goes to Club administration and $1 to Rotary International.

The above arrangement was see as the best compromise to suit the needs of members and the hotel.  Although the cost of a main course, plus dessert and the Club levy, will now be $25, an increase of $7 over last year, members have the option to have a main course only and reduce the meal price accordingly.

In summary, the Dinner meeting prices for members in 2013 are as follows:

  • Main course only................$20 (incl. Club levy)
  • Main course + dessert........$25 (incl. Club levy)
  • No meal..............................$5 (to cover Club levy)