Posted by Michael Crowe on Oct 04, 2018
District Governor Anthony Ohlsen recently visited Port Fairy to meet with the Rotary Club.  This visit was part of the DG's annual tour of District 9780 to touch base with Clubs and review their progress and plans.
Anthony commended our Club on its efforts and particularly its deep involvement with the community of Port Fairy and the surrounding area.
District Governor Anthony Ohlsen

Anthony met with the Board and discussed the major opportunities and challenges for Rotary including encouraging membership, improvements to our branding and the importance of the Rotary Foundation, particularly in relation to efforts such as funding for the End Polio campaign.
Anthony later addressed the dinner meeting and acknowledged the Club's achievements in fund raising and community projects.

He suggested that the Club hold a ‘Rotary Day’ where we inform the community of what we do and why we do it.  This would raise the profile of the Club and may lead to a heightened interest in membership.

He also suggested that when seeking sponsorship we emphasise the Club's high level of volunteer effort.  The Club currently provides over 1100 volunteer hours per annum.

In relation to young people and Rotoract he stated that it was important to focus on practical projects rather than meetings and procedures.
President Sue Robertson present DG Anthony Ohlsen with a Club banner