President's Report September 2012
Greetings Rotarians
Our New Generations Month is coming to a close. We were fortunate to have our nomination of Emily Crowe for the National Youth Science Forum accepted and we look forward to Emily expanding her horizons following her attendance at the forum. I would like members to keep in mind the RYLA and RYPEN activities which happen next year and try and nominate some young people from our area to take part in these activities.
Our busy months are approaching with our raffle selling, gate duty at the show, fashion parade and high tea coming up before Christmas. When the rosters start circulating, if we can all give a few hours it will spread the workload considerably.
October is Vocational Service Month. As you know membership in Rotary is based on a member’s vocation and this is why Rotary has this commitment to vocational service. Rotarians are expected to adhere to and promote high ethical standards in all their business dealings, recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations, and contribute their professional expertise and skills to addressing social problems and needs. So this October let us celebrate our wide vocational range with some discussion on our varied skills or professions.
Remember to login to Clubrunner to see what is happening in our Club. Harry puts a lot of effort into keeping our news updated, so please support him.
Margaret Whitehead